Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life is Alright.

I wish I had spent less time on Facebook and more time on writing my blogs. Because I certainly enjoy doing the later more. But I suppose, when it comes to do something creative, my demons take over my mind. Anyway, I am here now so it's better not to waste time regretting. My life is passing by so fast. I want to make the best of it. I've started taking French lessons. I hope I'll be able to finish my diploma of 1 year.
My scores in tests are dropping. I feel frustrating at times. Plus I'm having personal problems with my friends. Well I used to think they're my friends. But now I'm the center of the circle and my 'friends' are at a distance, same distance apart from my vulnerable self. Uh., I know I sound so depressed. But I'm not so depressed as I sound. Life is good at times. Especially now, when it's raining!

1 comment:

  1. Bad news, lady, the elder you become the more quickly time is chasing away.
