Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life is Alright.

I wish I had spent less time on Facebook and more time on writing my blogs. Because I certainly enjoy doing the later more. But I suppose, when it comes to do something creative, my demons take over my mind. Anyway, I am here now so it's better not to waste time regretting. My life is passing by so fast. I want to make the best of it. I've started taking French lessons. I hope I'll be able to finish my diploma of 1 year.
My scores in tests are dropping. I feel frustrating at times. Plus I'm having personal problems with my friends. Well I used to think they're my friends. But now I'm the center of the circle and my 'friends' are at a distance, same distance apart from my vulnerable self. Uh., I know I sound so depressed. But I'm not so depressed as I sound. Life is good at times. Especially now, when it's raining!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't want so many friends anymore

I used to know a girl through 'X'. Now i don't talk to 'X' anymore but decided to remain friends with that girl. she was nice, easy to talk to. We bonded. But recently I figured out she isn't talking to me anymore. Maybe she's busy?? But her facebook status are up-to-dated! I sent her a message on fb just to make sure everything was fine. Well it isn't, cause she didn't reply back. I can't help thinking that this 'X' has something to do with it.

But even if 'X' asked her not to talk to me, it only means she didn't like me for who i was, right? Gosh, that hurts so much. Putting someone as a priority in your life, when you are just an option to him/her life?? Nah, its not my fault, and all I  know is that if 'X' told me to stop talking to her, I would simply say,' Mind your own business.'

Sometimes friends are such a pain in the ass. Don't want so many friends anymore. Sigh!